Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday evening VBS-Praise the Lord for the precious 16 Apache children who came to VBS

Thank you Jesus for the 12 children who returned from Sunday evening VBS plus 4 more for
16 precious Apache children.

Michelle ,Kimberlee, Kim, Claudia lead singing time and group lesson time.

Tonight's story is about Jesus and Peter walking on water. Kim told the story and
told the children that with Jesus we should never fear anything. When Peter started to fear and
doubt while walking on water to Jesus THEN he sank into the sea of Galilee.

The whole lesson was with Jesus we are safe and to go to him in times of need.

After group story time the children broke up into 4 groups for facepainting, crafts, snack and
outdoor games.

They love playing baseball. Even the girls started playing outside with the boys. Donna and
son Skylar, Vicky and son Troy did the outdoor ball game with the children.

really Donna and Skylar played against all the children. They want to hit the ball and run the bases. The children would just line up and didn't really play teams. One little boy Brandon
just stayed on and the others ran right by him.
They were so precious. They just ran from the outfield and got in line to hit the ball whether or not their team was up at bat.

All these children really enjoyed themselves. We tried to reinforce the lesson about with Jesus
they should never fear.

Please play for these 16 Apache Indian children that they will grow strong in the faith and
go out amongst their people to share Christ with their people.

We don't follow a religion or denomination. We follow Christ.

Thank you for your prayers and support for these mission trip and for the Apache Indians.

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