Monday, July 27, 2009

Praise the Lord for the 12 Apache children who came to our first evening VBS at Church of Calvary

The team members really enjoyed having those 12 precious Apache children come to Sunday
evenings first Vacation Bible school at the Church of Calvary.

These Apache Indian children have great big smiles on their faces while they enjoyed face painting,
crafts, outdoor games and snack.

We started the vbs with Beth telling them about Jesus fishing for man when he sat by the
shore of Sea of Galilee and cooked fish for his disciples. Jesus then told his first disciples that
they are fishers of man. Nathan our 11th team member from West Virginia via Freedom Gate
Church entertained the children with a short skit.

The children rotated through 4 stations-facing, decorating cookies, writing the names of 3 people they could share Jesus with on a face then cutting out that face, playing games with
Skylar and Mom Donna, Troy and Mom Vickie. Skylar and Troy are middle schoolers who
came on this trip with their mothers.

All these precious Apache Indian children hear about Jesus and how he was a fisher of man.
When they sat at each table or played outdoor games, each team member got to interact with
these precious children of God. We encouraged them to share Jesus with their Mom and Dad,
Aunts and Uncles, friends, neighbors.


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